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MFDS approved new Paradigm
for Cerebrovascular Analysis

A quick and comprehensive bio-marker

for cerebral artery assessment with TOF MRA

Experience with VINT

An unprecedented neurovascular disease analysis technique

+  World's first MRA-based cerebral arterial wall shear stress analysis software

+  Global leader of SIG assessment application development

Clinical Research

Active programs in representative university
hospitals, including Seoul University Hospital,
Samsung Medical Center, Ajou University Hospital,
 Jeonbuk National University Hospital


Development and distribution of
a new biomarker in cerebral hemodynamics

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Project Development

Research based on clinical implications and
applications of SIG in the medical field

Our Network

Expanding outreach of medical network
for future development and research



The VINT  program aims to boost accurate and efficient diagnosis and prognosis of cerebrovascular disease through the assessment of arterial wall shear stress, based on TOF-MRA images.

VINT  provides an easy, intuitive, and rapid process through the SIG




Measurement of SIG just from TOF MRA without any complicated setups

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Statistical use in clinical settings
as markers for a number of
neurovascular diseases


Easy manipulation


Easier to use than
conventional methods


Feb 2, 2023

뇌동맥류 골든타임

뇌동맥류 골든타임

"한번 터지면 골든타임도 의미없다"…'뇌동맥류'의 모든 것

Oct 24, 2022

뇌졸중의 위험성

뇌졸중의 위험성

[뇌졸중] 시간 싸움에서 지면 고(苦)뇌의 시간

Oct 22, 2022

뇌동맥류의 위험성

뇌동맥류의 위험성

쇠망치로 맞은 듯한, 번개가 내리치는 듯한 두통…어떤 질환?

Try it now and experience the power of VINT

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